Friday, October 9, 2009

Daily Life

A few days ago I had the opportunity to meet with a dear friend and pastor. We spent our lunch time together discussing my current life challenge: unemployment. One of the things he is always good about is leaving me with some sound advice. Through our discussion he asked me how I was getting through each day. What was the thing I was doing to keep my attitude positive. I really didn't have a good answer for him. He had suggested that maybe I should journal my thoughts and feelings. It would be one way of letting the emotions out instead of internalizing them. He also wanted me to think outside of the box regarding my job hunting and discover what was it that God wanted me to do. Now that is a Good question; however it is one that I believe requires some more pondering.

This is what I firmly believe unemployment stinks! Bottomline I need a job just to keep me sane, on a schedule and my life in better balance. Now that I don't have a job most days I feel as if I am spiraling out of control. During the first week of unemployment I really didn't do anything other than rest, watch a lot of movies and think. Actually this was something that everyone had recommended to me. Don't do anything. Just take the time to relax and regroup. The second week I worked on organizing our paperwork and putting it away in file folders. I revised our budget and made plans to see a financial advisor from our church. I think I also began to consider putting together my resume. Week three I finished my resume, signed up for Monster, Careerbuilder and officially started the "job hunt". As each week progressed I tried to create a route to keep me in balance but actually threw that idea out the window after just a few days. Instead my day consists of watch television or shows online, spending a few hours looking for a job and then playing on Facebook. At some point in the day I will eat a lunch and I will think about what I am going to make for dinner. However there is only so much TV, reading, Facebooking, cooking and some cleaning one can do before they get completely bored. Lately, I find that I am becoming more of a night owl, which in turns means I sleep in later in the next morning. When I finally do get up I really don't want to do anything. Sad I know!

Getting out and about is good in that it is a change of scenary but I really don't go anywhere because the simple act of going somewhere means spends money. A resource that we must now conserve even more than before just to make sure we have a roof over our heads and food on the table.

Each week of job hunting is frankly depressing. Some days I find good leads and jobs that I know I am qualified for and other days not so much. The ones I apply for though are not very good about getting back to you. Most I never hear back from and that is probably the most discouraging thing about job hunting. Right now I wish life was giving me some lemons! At least I would know what to do with those!

1 comment:

Jodie said...

What a horrible position to be in, Melissa! But...I know that when I look back on the worst things that have happened to me in my life--I can now say, "A HA! That's why that happened!" So....make that lemonade. You might have to add more sugar, and you might even have to throw out a batch or two...but eventually you'll be sitting on the porch sipping the best lemonade you've ever had, thinking, "life is the best it's ever been!"